Tuition & Fees

CMU的教育是一项投资,在你的一生中会带来很多回报. 你是在为优秀的学术、专业的专注、积极的参与和领导能力投资. CMU的经历将是您所做的最有价值的决定之一.

所提供的信息可用于估计您的CMU余额, 在申请财政援助之后. 由商务办公室提供的月度账单将于6月开始.

2024 - 25

费耶特大学本科校区/文学院 & Sciences (CLAS)
College of Graduate & 扩展研究-卫星课程,在线/研究生(CGES)
First Class at CMU-Dual Credit

Cost of Attendance

See the full Cost of Attendance for an estimate of all costs. 出勤成本是教育部门用来估计学生成本的正式术语, both directly and indirectly, of being a full time student.

2024-25费耶特大学本科校区/文学院 & Sciences

Tuition (12-18 hours per semester) $27,840
Average Room and Board $9,450
Fees $780
Total Average Annual Direct Costs $38,070
平均书籍和供应成本(估计) $1,000
Full-time tuition (12-18 hours) $13,920
兼职学费(7-11学时,每学时) $1,135
兼职学费(1-6学时及暑期课程,每学时) $240
超额学费(超过18小时) $240
Residence Hall* $2,325
Meal Plan (per semester)^ $2,400
每学期学费:强制性(全日制或每学分,兼职) 2024-25
Career Center Fee $25 or $2.50
Classroom Assessment Fee $110 or $9.25
Educational Resource Fee $120 or $10
Health Clinic Fee $35 or $3.00
Student Government Fee $90 or $9*
Yearbook Fee $10 or $1
其他费用(并非所有费用适用于所有学生.) 2024-25
Art Fee (per credit hour) $10
Athletic Training Program Fees**  
Portfolio Fee $120
运动医学/运动训练费 $125
临床轮转责任保险(每年) $40
CMU学生AT协会费/专业会员费 $30/$90
Acceptance Fee (non-refundable) $250
出差到/从临床站点,药物和犯罪背景测试 Varies
CGES学生服务费(每学时) $20
Continuing Education Credit Fees** 2 Graduate Credits: $780
  3 Graduate Credits: $1,080
  3 Continuing Ed units: $300
  4.5 Continuing Ed units: $375
Credit by Examination $35
Duplicate Diploma $25
教育专业背景调查** $15.55
Freshman Class Book $15
Graduation Fee $75
Greek Insurance $50, $75 for new members
ID Card Replacement $10
Late Payment Fee 2% monthly of the balance due
Nursing Fees 护理费用现在位于护理主页上.
Online Service Fee $50
Overload Fee (more than 18 hours) $240
Orientation Fee $100
Parking Citations $15-$100
Parking Permit (per semester) $35
Payment Plan Enrollment Fee $30-55
Printing Costs  
私人音乐课程(每节课最高$250) $125
Re-Core & Replace Keys $75
Re-issued Payroll or Refund Check** $30
Residence Halls - Damage Deposit $100
Returned Check $30
科学实验费(每门课程,最高$100) $50
Security Check & FBI指纹筛选教育专业学生** $41.75
Single Room Charge (per semester) $500
运动医学/运动训练物理(每学期) $125
附带背景调查的替代证书(用于学生教学) $91.75
Student Teaching Fees $40 per credit hour
学生教学里程费(仅限在60英里半径以外教学的学生) $500
Transcript Fees** Mailing: $7.50
Electronic Exchange: $7.50
Electronic PDF: $9.25
Fax Unofficial: $7.50
Priority Mail: Add $25
Wire Transfer Payment Fee** Domestic: $30
International: $75

Enrollment Fee

新生必须支付200美元的入学/迎新费,才能收到课程表并预订校园住房. The enrollment/orientation fee, together with a housing application, 确保学生宿舍的预定. 如果学生未能入学或在5月1日之后取消,这笔费用将不予退还. Half of the fee is an orientation fee; the other half is a damage deposit for the residence hall room. 校外/通勤学生支付100美元的迎新费.

这是宿舍楼的平均费用, 这个数字将根据所选择的宿舍而有所不同.  
^这是无限制用餐计划的费用(每周19次). 所有住在学校的学生都需要有无限制的膳食计划. 校外学生可选择通勤计划(每学期80餐). See below.  
In addition to books and supplies, 家庭应该计划其他间接成本,如交通和个人支出. 请注意:家长可以为本科生借用家长贷款(PLUS),最多可达全部出勤费用(或预算)减去学生正在接受的任何经济援助. 如果学生有多余的资金(多于总直接费用), 余额将作为退款退还给学生. 学生可以用这笔退款来支付书费, 交通或其他个人开支.  
Meal Plan Rates (Per semester) 2024-25
Unlimited Meal Plan $2,400
Commuter Block Plan $600


研究生和进修学院2024 - 25

Undergraduate† 2024-25
Per Credit Hour
本科生-所有地点(St. Louis $240
Undergraduate - Online $275
Hybrid Undergraduate Courses $275
哥伦比亚大学加速护理课程 $540
Police Academy Tuition $300
St. Louis Area† 2024-25
Per Credit Hour
本科-商业,心理学,注册会计师** $290
本科-儿童发展与教育 $290
Master of Education $275
临床咨询理学硕士 $390
Graduate† 2024-25
Per Credit Hour
Master of Business Administration $400
Master of Education $275
教育硕士-英语课程 $390
Master of Education - Hybrid $290
Master of Education - Math Courses $390
Master of Education - Online $290
Master of Education - St. Louis $275
卫生专业教育硕士 $275
Master of Music Education $275
运动训练理学硕士 $390
临床咨询理学硕士 $390
教育管理理学硕士 $290
Master of Science - IT Management $520
Master of Science in Mathematics $390
Master of Science in Nursing $390
Hybrid Graduate Courses $290
MOREnet Courses (graduate credit) $75
Continuing Education Credits (CEC) 2 Graduate Credits: $780
3 Graduate Credits: $1,080
3 Continuing Ed units: $300
4.5 Continuing Ed units: $375
†所有研究生学院和扩展学习学院的费率均需支付以下费用:学生服务费-每学时20美元, Graduation Fee - $75, Return Check Fee - $30  
其他费用(并非所有费用适用于所有学生.) 2024-25
Portfolio Fee $120
运动医学/运动训练费 $125
临床轮转责任保险(每年)** $40
CMU学生AT协会费用/专业会员费** $30/$90
Acceptance Fee (non-refundable) $250
** ** ** ** ** ** ** * Varies
Clinical Counseling Software Fee** $200-$250
Credit by Examination $35
Duplicate Diploma $25
教育专业背景调查** $15.55
Graduation Fee $75
Late Payment Fee 2% monthly of the balance due
护理理学硕士认证考试费用(NU522)-临床护士领导考试(可选)** 在CMU考试350美元,在考试中心425美元
Nursing ABSN  
Payment Plan Enrollment Fee $30-$55
私人音乐课程(每节课最高$250) $125
Re-issued Payroll or Refund Check** $30
Returned Check Fee** $30
科学实验费(每门课程,最高$100) $50
Security Check & FBI指纹筛选教育专业学生** $41.75
学生服务费(每学时) $20
学生教学证书(用于学生教学)** $50
Student Teaching Fees $40 per credit hour
学生教学里程费(仅限在60英里半径以外教学的学生) $500
Transcript Fees** Mailing: $7.50
Electronic Exchange: $7.50
Electronic PDF: $9.25
Fax Unofficial: $7.50
Priority Mail: Add $25
VESi Software Fee (ED6** courses)** $150 per course
Wire Transfer Payment Fee** Domestic: $30
International: $75

CMU一等班-双学分,2024 - 25年

First Class at CMU-Dual Credit 2024-25 
Dual Credit $80
Dual Credit Online $100

CGES Payment Options

Make a payment


在开课前付款,可以用现金支付, check, money order, or MasterCard, Visa, Discover, 或美国运通通过企业网站. 有关付款方式的详细信息,请致电660-248-6670与商务办公室联系.